I created this amazing massage and meditation oil to stimulate lymphatic drainage in the body during sauna sessions. Castor oil is non comedogenic and helps to move lymph and pairs well with your sauna session to boost the healing effects. May help to induce sweating sooner during sauna sessions.
It can also be used without sauna for facial, breast and body massages. Pairs well with facial yoga! Add a drop to your belly button to help reduce bloating and aid in digestion.
The essential oils used are biblical resins touted for their abilities to bring you closer to God during prayer and meditation.
Key Usages: Sauna Detox, Lymphatic Massage, Facial Massage, Full Body Massage, Prayer, Meditation, Healing
Ingredients: Organic Hexanne Free Castor Oil, Organic Frankincense, Wild Harvested Myrrh, Wild Harvested Sandalwood